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What is hybrid mediation?

If you’re going through a separation or divorce, court isn’t the only way to resolve your issues. Let’s find out more about hybrid mediation.

Going through the courts to finalise your separation or divorce is a time-consuming process. It’s expensive. It’s stressful. You may have some of your most sensitive details laid out for all to see. Even then, you may not get the result you want for yourself or your children. 

Hybrid mediation is an alternative for couples seeking to resolve their separation or divorce issues with support from their solicitors, but without having to go to court. It’s especially useful for avoiding the long delays in the court system that have arisen since the pandemic. In this article, we’ll examine hybrid mediation and why it works.

What is hybrid mediation?

Mediation for family disputes has been popular for many years. It’s where both parties sit down for sessions with an impartial mediator, where they can discuss their options to reach an agreement outside of court, saving both sides time and money. 

Hybrid mediation takes traditional mediation a step further in that both sides can bring their lawyers into the process. You and your ex-partner can bring your solicitors into hybrid mediation sessions, and they can provide legal advice before, during and after mediation sessions. Once you have reached an agreement, your solicitor can formalise your decisions, making them legally binding. 

Hybrid mediation is gaining popularity because it can be used in acrimonious and complex cases, which traditional mediation isn’t well-suited for. It also delivers several other benefits, which we’ll discuss later.

What happens at hybrid mediation?

If you choose to go through hybrid mediation with your ex-partner, you’ll sit down with your solicitors and your mediator and agree on a framework for the process. You can agree to follow a structure as if it was a court case, or you could do something at a slower pace with less conflict. It’s up to you.

It’s great if you can all be in the same room, but it’s not strictly necessary. You can be in separate rooms with the mediator shuttling between you, or you can even conduct sessions on Zoom. It may be better for meetings where you make financial disclosures to take place in private. The mediator must keep your disclosures confidential from the other party and their solicitors until you instruct them to.

Benefits of hybrid mediation

There are several reasons why hybrid mediation may be a better course of action than resolving your issue in court:

  • Faster and cheaper – Resolving a dispute through the courts could take months (or years) and cost thousands in solicitors’ fees. Hybrid mediation takes much less time and is significantly more cost-effective

  • You’re not alone – You have your solicitors in your corner who can help you through the hybrid mediation process. If you wish, you can also bring in subject experts such as financial advisors to give their advice

  • Comfort and convenience – If you don’t want to be in the same room as your ex-partner, your mediator can shuttle between the two of you (and your solicitors) in separate rooms. You can even hold sessions on Zoom if you wish 

  • You’re in control – In a court, the final settlement could be dictated to you by a judge. Hybrid mediation gives you more say in what happens to your children after the separation

  • Better outcomes – In a court setting, there is often a winner and a loser. Hybrid mediation encourages compromise so both sides might walk away satisfied. This can pave the way for an easy-going future for both parties

  • Less stress – It’s stressful for you (and your children) to go through a court case where many of your sensitive details may be laid out. Hybrid mediation aims to take the heat out of the situation

  • Well-structured – Because solicitors are directly involved in the process, you can solve more complex or acrimonious issues with hybrid mediation compared to regular family mediation

Find out more from Couchman Hanson

Now you understand the benefits of hybrid mediation, you can see why it’s an excellent course of action if you’re going through a separation or divorce. We can help connect you with mediators who are trained in hybrid mediation. If you choose to proceed, we can be in your corner, providing the best advice throughout the hybrid mediation process. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

At Couchman Hanson, our solicitors genuinely care about getting the best outcome for you. We’re highly professional, with ‘city’ level talent and experience, but also friendly and welcoming. Everything we do fits with our values of integrity, honesty and authenticity.

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